
Showing posts from October, 2024

The Story of God

Story of God Striving to understand the universe by looking up to the heavens, looking outward to creation, looking inward to our deceitfully wicked hearts; we find ourselves in darkness and wretchedness beyond comprehension.  The only singular truth we can discern from nature is that there is a God, and I am not him.  The heavens do truly declare his glory, but it is not until we are exposed to his written Word that we come to a more complete understanding of who God is and what he has done. “From its very beginning, the Christian church has always accepted Holy Scripture as the Word of God, beginning with the Old Testament. In Israel, from the most ancient times on the authority of YHWH’s commandments and statutes, i.e., of the Torah and of the prophets, it is established. In Israel, Moses and the prophets have always been men of divine authority, and their writings were immediately recognized as authoritative. Over time, however, that authority was undermined by a gradually emerging