The Practice of Religion

 Fifteen Rosary Mysteries 

The five Joyful Mysteries of the Incarnation 

1.) The Annunciation of the B.V. Mary

2.)The Visitation of the B.V. Mary

3.)The Birth of our Blessed Lord

4.)The Presentation of Christ in the Temple 

5.)The finding of Christ in the Temple



2*Love of neighbor 

3*Poverty of spirit

4*Purity of mind and body

5*Piety and Obedience 

The Five Sorrowful Mysteries of the Redemption 

1.)The Bloody sweat of the garden

2.)The Scourging of our Lord

3.)The Crowning with thorns

4.)The carrying of the Cross

5.)The Crucifixion on Calvary 


1*God’s will be done

2*Mortification of the senses 

3*Reign of Christ in my heart

4*Patient bearing of trials

5*Pardoning of injuries 

Five Glorious Mysteries of the Resurrection 

1.)The Resurrection of our Lord.

2.)The Ascension of our Lord

3.)The Descent of the Holy Spirit

4.)The Triumph of the Church

5.)The Beatific Vision




3*Love and gifts of Holy Spirit

4*Furtherance of the Gospel

5*Desire for Heaven


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